Wednesday 24 August 2016

Will viewing torrents land you into jail ? 

There’s been quite the uproar on the internet lately because of Torrents. Governments are taking down big websites, and recent news had folks in a panic after some Torrent websites were blocked with a notification saying that one could be imprisoned for up to 3 years, with a fine of Rs. 3,00,000 for accessing these blocked websites. This led people to believe that if they had used a VPN or similar alternatives to access these blocked sites, they could land in prison, and find themselves short of Rs. 3,00,000.
As it turns out, that’s not exactly the case.
Prasanth Sugathan, Counsel at the Software Freedom Law Centre India, a registered society that works on the intersections of law and technology told NDTV the following:
“Visiting any website, even if it is a blocked site is not illegal either under the provisions of the Copyright Act,1957 or the Information Technology Act, 2000. The only exception could be if a person views child pornography.”
The notification on blocked sites was the following:
This URL has been blocked under the instructions of the Competent Government Authority or in compliance with the orders of a Court of competent jurisdiction. Viewing, downloading, exhibiting or duplicating an illicit copy of the contents under this URL is punishable as an offence under the laws of India, including but not limited to under Sections 63, 63-A, 65 and 65-A of the Copyright Act, 1957 which prescribe imprisonment for 3 years and also fine of upto Rs. 3,00,000/-. Any person aggrieved by any such blocking of this URL may contact at who will, within 48 hours, provide you the details of relevant proceedings under which you can approach the relevant High Court or Authority for redressal of your grievance. 
This notification is only for TATA internet connection, and not other ISP. The warning clearly says that viewing the website is not illegal, but the contents under the URL is. Anti-piracy laws in India have not yet been fully fleshed out, and are far from being properly implemented.
This is not to say that you go about your thieving ways. Paying for content you enjoy is always the way to go. Which is why I am now demanding money from you for the good time you had reading this article.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Pokemon GO - Good or bad ?

*Pokémon Go (stylized as Pokémon GO) is a free to play location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic for iOS and Android devices. It was initially released in selected countries in July 2016. In the game, players use a mobile device's GPS capability to locate, capture, battle, and train virtual creatures, called Pokémon, who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real-world location as the player. The game supports in-app purchases for additional in-game items.

*The positive thing about the game is that , that players have to go outside their house to find new pokemons in real life ! 
- this game actually is such a great hit because it brings back so many childhood memories as ash ketchum tries to catch 'em all , but in this game  we go out to find these pocket monsters which seem quite interesting .
- as of today , i am a big fan of pokemon go , i usually spend hours in playing that game . first when i started this game i was not that happy but as i leveled up , i found few good pokemons which made me happy and i wanted to be a pokemon master myself .
- the game is quite addictive to be honest ! whenever my mum sends me out to bring some supplies i always turn on the game to hatch some eggs to get pokemons . there was one day when i forgot to open my pokemon go before going out and my mum was like " you forgot to open that stupid egg hatching game !".

* Now the bad things ! :'( 
- this game can make you stay out the whole day which will eventually make your mum angry and then you are grounded my friends ! ( atleast it happens to me )
- It can cause you to wander around places where no one wants you so you better keep an eye out while playing 

Hope you guys like my blogs ! thank you for reading !

Happy Hunting guys :) 

May the Pokeballs be ever in your favour !

and yeah one more thing ......... 

Don;t forget to follow for more stories related to games and tips related to fitness .

Friday 12 August 2016

What is a blog ? what is it for ?

- A blog is like a personal diary or journal through which you can share your feelings or share the knowledge you have with others around the world  . 

- Why tell everyone about your feelings when you can buy a diary and keep it personal rather than the world knowing more about you? through blogging you can really open up and who knows you might even be a role model to someone !

- Blogging can also help you make a living out of it but for that also you have to give blogging your dedication and hard work !

- For starting your own blog you can use the following sites ( they are free to use :) ) :-

1. wordpress  ( The Most popular blogging site )
2. tumblr ( The most easiest blogging site )
3. blogger ( The longest running blogging site  )

- I use blogger for my blogs , i prefer wordpress and blogger  as i have used them both ( acc. to my experience )

- Thanks for giving your precious time to read my blog , i hope it helped all you newcomers

- Don't forget to Follow for more tips and comment is you have any doubts or questions :)

Happy Blogging !